Saturday, 19 July 2014

What Happened to me?

Hey everyone
Well its been a mighty while eh?
Firstly my Blogger and Emails got hacked and took an age to sort
My OH for 13 years left me
I was in a very black hole
Had to scrape myself back again
Im still working on it
Its been the hardest thing EVER
Ive had to ask for help with money matters
Ive gone for weeks without much money
Im just getting there financially
Ive had to be more frugal than ever
Its been a great lesson
And I will win
Back soon


Unknown said...

Long time no see but glad you are OK, even if it is of sorts. You will get there xx

50 and counting said...

Good to see you back.

One day at a time.

When my first marriage ended in a spectacular blaze it felt like I'd never get over it.

You will. Life will be better.

Unknown said...

Glad to see you've returned , keep going you'll come through this x

thrift deluxe said...

Good to hear from you. Sorry you've been having it tough.