Thursday, 16 January 2014

Feeling Lazy

Firstly welcome to a new follower lah2563
 I need to stop snacking on goodies, yes I am a snacker and I love cakes, biscuits, deserts all things like OH doesn't really eat things like that so if it gets bought or made then its mainly me that eats it so I need to watch what im eating a bit far this morning Ive only had healthy porridge, and it was very nice on this wet and grey day, I think I will have Heinz Tomato Soup from Approved Foods (33p) and a couple of slices of homemade bread for dinner.
I had a no spend day yesterday and I have no intentions of spending again today, we have a store cupboard full, a freezer full, and the fridge is just about hanging on, but I shall find things to make for dinner and teas. I will need a few bits at the weekend but I wont be spending much, we only need fresh milk, tea bags, fruit, some cereal and eggs so that wont come to much. I've got 7 potatoes left so I will make them last another week before I buy a sack again.  I will have a look in Tesco at about 3.50pm as there is usually yellow stickered bits reduced a bit more than usual, however they have been rubbish lately.. I shall look.
For tea last night I took out of the freezer some Quorn Mince and Onion that I had prepared for a Shepherds Pie, but I defrosted it, made a quick Short crust Pastry in the blender, 4oz of plain flour, 2 oz of butter dash of salt, and cold water, bring it together and it makes just enough for a pastry top, so we had that with half a cabbage from Aldi 39p range, and a bit of lurking mixed veg that needed using up, couple of roasties each, everyone said how nice it was, which was nice, clear plates all round :) I love mince and apple sauce on any roast dinner, I even love it just on a plate of vegetables ... yummy ...
Not sure if im going out for a walk with Deeds this Morning, its bad and lazy I know but I just cant be bothered, I didn't have a very good night sleep again last night, turning all night!! the night before I had bad dreams all night and woke myself up crying twice, when I went to the bathroom in the morning I looked a right state, puffy eyes, mascara runs and I had scratched my face and had blood on it !! Blinking Nora what a mess..Eee I don't know. I may take him on a pavement walk on the lead as the trouble with taking a near white Miniature Jack Russell out in this weather is you have to shower him every time as he gets literally black..he looked like he was wearing black trousers yesterday LOL..
Anyway sorry for waffling on - bits to do in the house so see you all later
AFM xx

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