Sunday, 12 January 2014

Lazy Sunday

Hi bloggers ... well we had a lazy morning, the weekly lie-in haha our Son stays over every Saturday at the In-Laws, very fortunate I know :) so we get at least one relax a week, I always feel rather bad for staying in bed till at least 9am when I could be doing something in the house, but any who nice all the same.

Grabbed some milk from Farmfoods tonight such a bargain at £1.60 for two lots of milk..i hope it will be an on going thing, they started to have the vege Deli Quorn in at £1 a pack, they don't have it now which is a shame as it can be £2 odd in the supermarkets..then over to Aldi for a Cabbage while they are still on offer for 39p.. im going to see how many no spend days I can do this week, we have quiet a few bits in the cupboards and freezer so fingers crossed, put what change I had into the tin too..

For tea tonight I am trying some Chicken Style Granose from Approved Foods, made it up according to instructions, put some mixed veg on and a few roasties each...fingers crossed it tasted ok as I bought a whole box full lol seemed to much of a bargain to resist when ordering.

AFM xx

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