Sunday, 23 March 2014

Donna - Granose Review :)

Hi Donna my lovely, i hope you are reading this?
 Would you mind emailing me your address so i can send you the box of Granose to try
Many thanks AFM xx

Friday, 21 March 2014

Who wants to do a review?

Two posts in one day? eck :)
Whats happened to the weather? glorious sunshine to three belting it down showers of hail stones !!

Right-e-oh i have in my store cupboard about 10 boxes of  Granose Chicken Style Meat Free Roast mix from Approved Foods,each box has 2 x 75g sachets in, its over date as most things are but that doesn't affect the taste or quality of the mix. I have made it up as instructions on the box and make a type of meat loaf from it, and have also made burgers by adding onion garlic and spices my son cant bear the stuff and myself and OH thought it was, just OK, so i was thinking i am willing to send out three seperate lots to whoever would like to try it, tell me what you think of the stuff, and maybe what recipe you have made from it? i would be interested to see what you come up with...
anyone interested?

If so bob me a comment and and your address to

AFM xx

Randoms-looking back ..

Good Morning my bloggy friends
Firstly - welcome to a new follower -Paid In Chickens i will bob over and visit your lovely blog soon :)

Another random post really, i've so much on my mind, and allot to do before my parents arrive on Mothers Day, i think i have took to much on and am starting to stress myself out a bit to much...i have decided that whatever gets done this weekend, then that's it, no more decorating, wallpapering, painting etc.. it can wait till my mum and dad have gone back home to the Isle Of Wight ..

They arrived at my sisters yesterday in Leicester, My dad met Harley, my nieces Pomeranian, my dad has this thing, all dogs love him, when he comes to our house our Jack Russell ends up around my dads shoulders like a scarf haha

Little Harley..awww
Dad and Harley getting a fuss
Its lovely out again this morning, bright and sunny, i'm working all day so sat behind a stuffy desk till 5.30, so no sunshine for me :( hopefully it will be nice at the weekend because all that out-doorsy stuff still needs doing .. this sunshine makes me want to go on holiday..i hate flying but will suffer it if it means going away, i usually cry all the way there lol ..we've not been abroad for two years and im really missing it now, but we are trying to save save save so have been for the last couple of years going camping as our main holiday, we have always been campers - its not for everyone but we love it :) 
i found some random pictures - so lets have a look ...

Our last abroad holiday was Egypt with my sister and niece (another sister, this one lives on the I.O.W)
Sister Niece Me Mst J
Me my Son and Niece
Two Mummies and a very happy Son xx

Back in the UK now ---->

We are Messy Campers :)
Drying the wetsuits and making tea
Diesel on guard duty 
Beach bonfires
Getting the giggles
Me about to go-in !!
Making Memories
Me and the Wife (yes i have a wife)
Aww beautiful memories of last years camping trip to Newquay, you really dont need to spend a fortune, as long as you have each other, food in your tummies, lots of fun times, and Love in your heart, thats worth everything that money cant buy ...Love my little family..

Yes im supposed to be working right now lol!!!
AFM xx

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The sun has got his hat on .. hip hip hip hip horray :)
Morning bloggy friends its lovely today, its sunny and the washing is on the line, nowt like fresh line dried laundry ...happy happy...
Im hoping its fine at the weekend, the yard walls need a quick tidy up, some pots need weeding, the garden gate needs repairing, the privet needs cutting, windows need cleaning,...heck why do we always have things to do, I honestly cannot remember the last time we just sat down in the evening, to watch rubbish tv, read a book, have a web ponder, pin a few things .. always busy .. hey ho, no need for boredom in this house..
 Thoughts in my head this morning:
Geeze how long does that paint need to dry? hurry up hurry up
Hmm I hope that wallpaper looks right against the carpet
What on earth is that postman doing?
Where on earth has the dog put my slippers?
Need to make bread
Need to get dog food
Should I let my son go on the school ski trip?
Must make a crumble with all those apples!!!!
That's just for starters haha ..

..........Its coming along.........

AFM xx

Monday, 17 March 2014

Raining here in Lancs this morning, i wanted to get some washing out but have had to put it all on the airer now, hopefully it will blow over and i'll be able to peg out later. Just had my breakfast and a brew, and a catch up of the news online..this Malaysian Aircraft disappearance is baffling, those poor people and their families, doesn't bare thinking about, you would think in this day and age that they would have located it by now.. i'm not religious but sincere prayers for all those people involved, i hear that the relatives are threatening going on hunger strike until more information is released, i think the majority are thinking that they are not being truthful about the whole event.

Back on the wall this morning, sanding down is todays job...its going to be messy...i really need to get this done my parents arrive on Mothers Day .. no pressure then.. ive got their room to decorate yet too, i really want to get that done as we haven't seen them since December and want it nice for them.. my Dad is fitting a new shower screen while he is here too so that saves me a job.. :)

Eee this made me chuckle, i could manage the cupcakes for sure, not so sure about the marathon lol 
Happy Tuesday everyone

AFM xx

A beauty ..

Under the many layers of wallpaper i found this beautiful swan, once upon a time i imagine a wallpaper like this would have been someone's pride and joy .. 

Thankfully the walls are plastered and repaired now so i can wallpaper it soon, we managed to find a bargain £5 roll of paper, just enough for the one wall, the floral cream, brown, black wallpaper will jazz it up no end :)

I didn't do a roast tea last night we had a vote and opted for a Mummy McDonald's, my version-basically a vege burger loaded with salad,cheese slices,garlic Mayo and tomato ketchup stuffed into a home-made bread roll ... yummy ... sorry no pictures as we scoffed the lot before i remembered to take a picture haha im doing a quorn roast tonight, another house favourite with all the trimmings..

Back soon with a wallpaper reveal

AFM xx

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Its been a while ...

Hello my friends ... heck i've been away a while, i didn't realise!! ive been feeling a bit out of sorts the past couple of weeks, house repairs that need doing, the weather, this and that .. you know the things... i have also have been naughty with money and had quite a few days of getting a treat to take to work, a chocolate bar here and there..which means unnecessarily spending and my waistline expanding more!!
Drat, anyhow i've put a stop to that again and feel a bit more on track now...i have been keeping on top of the savings however and have managed to save  £600 since January which i am really happy about, i've had some ebay sales too, so it all helps.

Firstly sorry again for picture quality, I had to blog from my phone today as the laptop was having a paddy, maybe the weather? not sure.. and i've lost the camera while we have been decorating..woops.. its a foggy morning today in Lancashire, and cold brrrr...glad i got all the washing done the last couple of days..

So our very large hallway was in desperate need of redecorating, it had a chip paper on the top half and a blown vinyl on the bottom, the paper was coming away at the top half and after taking a look and removing the paper it was in a terrible state, its took me two days to remove one wall, the worst wall at the top of the stairs...blimey... i was wondering why i had started?? i redecorated my sons bedroom painted the walls grey and put a feature wallpaper window side and at the opposite of the room behind his bed... he chose his wallpaper and all in all we spent £145.98 on a complete makeover ...

Wallpaper £14.00
Grey Paint £15.00
Light Shade £3.99
Carpet £27.00
New Bed £49.99
Fablon £10.00
Blind £16.00
New Sheets £10.00
We had Filler and was given wood paint :)
= £145.98
London Scene Wallpaper

 DS is 11 years old and wanted a more grown up room that was black and grey, we couldn't afford new furniture so i covered his beech coloured wardrobe and drawers with a black gloss fablon, and my gosh it looked fab!! hahah DS thought we had bought new at first, we did buy a new bed as his old one was old and it was a mid sleeper so getting a proper bed was great, especially for my back when changing sheets, my days of climbing cabin beds are over!! our terraced house has two small ish bedrooms and so it needed planning thoroughly... eventually we got it looking right and he is thrilled with it, so this prompted the hallway makeover as the new bedroom made the hall look even more shabby!!!  and not in a trendy way haha...

Just look at the state of this wall, all these gouges were covered in a green felt like stuff its took some blinking scraping off, i still haven't quite finished, the whole wall needs filling now too. Due to how bad this wall has been we have decided to just magnolia the other walls as the paper looks ok, we are thinking of putting a feature paper on this wall to jazz it all up a bit...phew... cant wait to get it done now its getting to me as the bathroom is next then the spare room, when we had all that bad rain we had a leak in the spare room and that needs papering and painting parents are visiting at the end of march so it has to be done...hells teeth..i need a break lol..

I think the other walls look ok ? .. clean and fresh at least, we had some crown magnolia emulsion left so i have used that, although i think we will need another tin, but so far not spent on anything for the hall, we will need just one roll of paper for the feature wall and our local B&M'S have wallpaper for £5 a roll so its not looking to bad..the struggle will be to find something we both like and that has brown/cream patten on as our carpet is brown!!!
Fingers crossed :)

And to finish off ......

Hmm look who is in Mummys bed ?? Mr Deeds... im cold mummy its all foggy and nasty out today so i sneaked in your comfy bed haha .. got to love him ..

Sorry for a long boring post my friends ... back soon ...