Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The sun has got his hat on .. hip hip hip hip horray :)
Morning bloggy friends its lovely today, its sunny and the washing is on the line, nowt like fresh line dried laundry ...happy happy...
Im hoping its fine at the weekend, the yard walls need a quick tidy up, some pots need weeding, the garden gate needs repairing, the privet needs cutting, windows need cleaning,...heck why do we always have things to do, I honestly cannot remember the last time we just sat down in the evening, to watch rubbish tv, read a book, have a web ponder, pin a few things .. always busy .. hey ho, no need for boredom in this house..
 Thoughts in my head this morning:
Geeze how long does that paint need to dry? hurry up hurry up
Hmm I hope that wallpaper looks right against the carpet
What on earth is that postman doing?
Where on earth has the dog put my slippers?
Need to make bread
Need to get dog food
Should I let my son go on the school ski trip?
Must make a crumble with all those apples!!!!
That's just for starters haha ..

..........Its coming along.........

AFM xx

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