Friday, 21 March 2014

Who wants to do a review?

Two posts in one day? eck :)
Whats happened to the weather? glorious sunshine to three belting it down showers of hail stones !!

Right-e-oh i have in my store cupboard about 10 boxes of  Granose Chicken Style Meat Free Roast mix from Approved Foods,each box has 2 x 75g sachets in, its over date as most things are but that doesn't affect the taste or quality of the mix. I have made it up as instructions on the box and make a type of meat loaf from it, and have also made burgers by adding onion garlic and spices my son cant bear the stuff and myself and OH thought it was, just OK, so i was thinking i am willing to send out three seperate lots to whoever would like to try it, tell me what you think of the stuff, and maybe what recipe you have made from it? i would be interested to see what you come up with...
anyone interested?

If so bob me a comment and and your address to

AFM xx


Donna said...

Hi there

I would love to try it and let you know what I think of it.

Love the blog by the way.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Donna, i will send you a box, if you email me your address i will pop it in the post AFM xx

Sarah said...

Ha ha!! I have 'one or two' boxes of these lurking in my cupboard courtesy of AF!! We have got through a few and they aren't too bad, with a nice homemade gravy and some roasties, cranberry sauce that sort of thing, worth eating up the stockpile (eventually)...